About Estelle: Body Manager Therapist
WHAT I DO.....I am like many of you and lead a busy life. Apart from work, I love to stay fit and healthy. I cycle, yoga and previously played six-a-side soccer and taekwondo. My knowledge of the body and mind connection has been invaluable in these activities. I constantly use what I know to get the best results out of my body for flexibility, balance, recovery and to avoid injury. These activities enable me to understand how to help my clients stay fit and healthy and be able to give them strategies to stay on top of their game using Emmett Therapy, Power training, Kinesiology and Neurotraining, Massage and McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release work, Lymphatic drainage. I am passionate about the work I do, I find it fascinating how we as individuals work, think and are influenced by our upbringing and environment but have the capacity to change. |
Sporting injuries, relationship challenges, life in general had me feeling stressed, physically unwell and unable to cope. This led me to search for alternative ways to deal with these symptoms and I experienced life changing results with the therapies that I tried. These experiences developed my interest in alternative therapies and I began studying them my business grew from there. I have been practicing as a Massage Therapist since 2000, and in 2010 added Kinesiology & Neurotraining and Emmett Therapy, Scar Tissue Release Therapy and lymphatic Drainage to my practice. I continue to attend courses for learning so I have more resources for my clients, for even better outcomes.
Being a hands on physical kind of person led me to build my first clinic room at Numinbah in 2011 with the help of one of my daughters. You can check out the photos of how we went about it on my facebook page “ Bodymanager”
For two people who had never done building before, it was hard work, lots of fun, challenging, and very satisfying to achieve.
I opened a clinic at west Murwillumbah in June 2014 until May 2016 and travelled to Brisbane to see clients in a clinic at Kelvin Grove on a fortnightly basis. I closed those clinics at the end of June 2016 to concentrate on my clients in the Tweed and Gold Coast area in my clinic now situated at Banora Point.
My own life experiences having relationship challenges, bringing up three daughters on my own, being an employee, then running my own business, has given me insight and understanding into the stresses and challenges that we all face. Sometimes we cope, other times not so well.
I love to support my clients to cope more effectively with all their day to day physical and mental stress and assist them to make positive changes in their life. It always gives me a fantastic feeling to see clients who arrive in physical and emotional pain leave looking and feeling like a different person.
If you cycle and participate in the annual 10 day cycle tour for Bicycle Queensland, you may have met me there as volunteer team manager for the massage team. It was a great experience and I met many friendly cyclists and helped keep them feeling good to get back on their bikes each day. You can see photos of the event on my facebook page.
- Certificate IV Kinesiology
- Certificate IV Neurotraining
- Coming To Grips With Learning- Primal Reflexes: children learning and behavioural problems (Kinesiology)
- Emmtech
- Emmett Modules 1-6
- Emmett Practitioner Levels 1, 2, 3,4,5,6
- Emmett 4 Animals (Horses) Modules 1,2,3,4
- Emmett 4 Animals (Dogs) Modules 1, 2,
- Emmtech Tutor
- Emmett Pelvic Care Course
- Chapman Reflexes Course
- Applied Kinesiolgy for Sport
- Mcloughlin Scar Tissue Release
- Chelsea Jean Lymphatics
- Lomi Lomi Massage
- Pohaku Hot Stone Massage
- Pregnancy Massage
- Infant Massage
- Whole Body Massage
- Certificate of Deep Tissue & Common Injury 1 & 2
- Touch for Health 1- 4
- Bioenergetic Circles Of Life
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Spa Body Treatments
- Reiki
College of Neurotraining Modules
- Nutrition
- Iridology
- Structural Neurology
- Power Training
- Emotional Defences
- Nutrition Alternatives
Other Training
- Reflexology
- Indian Head Massage
- Seated Chair Massage
- The Accidental Counsellor
Other certificates I am proud to have, and survived (because life is too short to be too serious)
- Tandem Skydiving
- Paintball / Skirmish
- Go-Karting
- Australian Kinesiology Association
- Australian Massage Association
I love my family, friends, work, and maintaining a sense of humor.
"Some people say life is pre-determined; I say it's me-determined"